
Thyroid, Parathyroid Adrenal, Pituary Disease Treatment Centre

Unique in the world, the Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pituary Disease Treatment Centre has been established for patients suffering from endocrine diseases related to thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands. It is led by an outstanding specialist in endocrine disorders. Our Centre offers the most modern treatment methods based on the solutions applied in the leading hospitals in the United States and Europe. The knowledge and experience we use, comprehensive diagnostic methods and individually selected therapies as well as safe, certified drugs of the latest generation are what makes us different from other medical institutions. We guarantee the highest effectiveness and safety. Therefore, do not hesitate! Come today, because "effective treatment is the art of seeing what is invisible and hearing what is unspoken. It requires a multi-faceted and complex insight into the patient" after Dr. Jakub Bukowczan, MD, PhD, MRCP (London), MRCPI, PGDip (London).

Effective treatment is the art of seeing what is invisible and hearing what is unspoken. It requires interdisciplinary approach to a patient!



Telephone registration: + 48 22 602 24 00

ul. Domaniewska 48, Warszawa

ul. Apteczna 8, Dojazdów - Kraków

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