


  1. Gołąbek T, Sobczyński R, Chłosta P. Rak nerki z czopem nowotworowym wrastającym do układu żylnego.(2015) Akademia Medycyny, Warszawa, ISBN: 978-83-938872-6-2

  2. Gołąbek T, Chłosta P. Nietrzymanie Moczu u kobiet i mężczyzn.(2016) Termedia Wydawnictwa Medyczne, Poznań, ISBN: 978-83-7988-157-4


  1. Gołąbek T, Przydacz M, Zembrzuski M, Czech A, Chłosta P. „Problemy urologiczne u chorego na nowotwór” opublikowane w: „Chory na nowotwór kompendium leczenia somatycznych objawów towarzyszących” pod redakcją Krajnik M, Malec-Milewska M, Wordliczek J. (2015) Medical Education oficyna wydawnicza, Warszawa, ISBN: 978-83-65191-10-6, str.295-321.

  2. Golabek T, Bukowczan J, Przydacz M, Chlosta PL. “Prognostic factors for patients with renal cell carcinoma and tumour thrombus: A review.” Published in “Renal Cell Carcinoma”, (2015) E-book: ISBN: 978-1-944685-66-9

  3. Gołąbek T, Chłosta P. „Schorzenia urologiczne - wpływ na psychikę mężczyzny” opublikowane w: „Psychiatria pod krawatem”. (2016) Medical Education grupa wydawnicza,Warszawa, ISBN:978-8365191-17-5, str.329-340.

  4. Gołąbek T, Chłosta P: „Infekcje dróg moczowych oraz nietrzymanie moczu” w „Vademecum geriatrii”.(2016). W druku.

  5. Gołąbek T, Chłosta P: „Neurofizjologia” w „Uroginekologia”. (2016). W druku

  6. Gołąbek T, Chłosta P: „Neurogenne uszkodzenia pęcherza moczowego” w „Uroginekologia”. (2016). W druku


  1. Dulińska-Litewka J, Gąsiorkiewicz B, Litewka A, Gil D, Gołąbek T, Okoń K. Could the kinetin riboside be used to inhibit human prostate cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition? Med Oncol. 2020 Feb 6;37(3):17.

  2. Przydacz M, Kornelak P, Golabek T, Dudek P, Chlosta P. Polish versions of the Qualiveen and the SF-Qualiveen: Translation and validation of urinary disorder-specific instruments in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurourol Urodyn. 2020 Jun 16.

  3. Przydacz M, Dudek P, Golabek T, Choragwicki D, Kmita M, Czech AK, Curylo L, Chlosta P. Neurogenic bladder symptom score: Polish translation, adaptation and validation of urinary disorder-specific instrument for patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. Int J Clin Pract. 2020 Jun 9:e13582.

  4. Przydacz M, Kornelak P, Dudek P, Golabek T, Chlosta P. The urinary disorder-specific quality of life in patients after spinal cord injury: Polish translation, adaptation and validation of the Qualiveen and SF-Qualiveen. Spinal Cord. 2020 Jun 15.

  5. Skalski M, Przydacz M, Sobański JA, Cyranka K, Klasa K, Datka W, Gołąbek T, Chłosta P, Dudek D. 2 Coexistence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with depressive symptoms in patients suffering from depressive disorders. Psychiatr Pol. 2019 Aug 31;53(4):939-953.

  6. Klasa K, Sobański JA, Skalski M, Gołąbek T, Świerkosz A, Przydacz M, Dembińska E, Mielimąka M, Cyranka K, Dudek D, Chłosta PL, Rutkowski K. Neurotic personality and lower urinary tract symptoms in day hospital patients diagnosed at pretreatment between 2004 and 2014. Psychiatr Pol. 2019 Aug 31;53(4):915-938.

  7. Borys AM, Seweryn M, Gołąbek T, Bełch Ł, Klimkowska A, Totoń-Żurańska J, Machlowska J, Chłosta P, Okoń K, Wołkow PP. Patterns of gene expression characterize T1 and T3 clear cell renal cell carcinoma subtypes. PLoS One. 2019 May 31;14(5):e0216793.

  8. Przydacz M, Golabek T, Chlosta P. How to assess and predict success or failure of intra-detrusor injections with onabotulinumtoxinA. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2019 Apr;28(4):555-567.

  9. Ostrowski I, Golabek T, Ciechan J, Śledź E, Przydacz M, Dyś W, Blewniewski M, von Heyden B, Pottek T, Neugart F, Carrieri G, Selvaggio O, Iori F, Arjona MF, Foley S, Yang B, Llorens C, Różanski W, Chłosta PL. Preliminary outcomes of the European multicentre experience with the ZSI 375 artificial urinary sphincter for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in men. Cent European J Urol. 2019;72(3):263-269.

  10. Przydacz M, Skalski M, Golabek T, Sobański JA, Klasa K, Świerkosz A, Dudek D, Chłosta P. Nocturia has no impact on depression severity in patients suffering from depression but correlates with sleep quality. Psychiatr Pol. 2018 Oct 27;52(5):835-842.

  11. Ostrowski I, Ciechan J, Sledz E, Dys W, Golabek T, Chłosta PL. Four-year Follow-Up on a Zephyr Surgical Implants 375 Artificial Urinary Sphincter for Male Urinary Incontinence From One Urological Centre in Poland. Cent European J Urol. 2018;71(3):320-325.

  12. Przydacz M, Golabek T, Chłosta PL. Dermatologist and urologist? A neglected relationship in neurogenic voiding dysfunctions. Cent European J Urol. 2018;71(1):148-149.

  13. Mains E, Tang B, Golabek T, Wiatr T, Ross G, Duncan A, Howie D, Tait I, Chłosta P, Kata SG. Ureterorenoscopy training on cadavers embalmed by Thiel's method: simulation or a further step towards reality? Initial report. Cent European J Urol. 2017;70(1):81-87.

  14. Golabek T, Socha K, Kudelski J, Darewicz B, Markiewicz-Zukowska R, Chlosta P, Borawska M. Chromium in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017 Dec 23;24(4):602-605.

  15. Przydacz M, Golabek T, Sobański JA, Jaworska K, Skalski M, Świerkosz A, Dudek P, Sobieraj D, Dudek D, Chłosta P. Perception of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms by psychiatrists in mentally affected patients. Psychiatr Pol. 2017 Oct 29;51(5):963-978.

  16. Chlosta PL, Golabek T, Nyirády P.New Insights into Diagnosis and Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma, Bladder Cancer, and Prostate Cancer. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:6467072

  17. Golabek T, Palou J, Rodríguez O, Gaya JM, Breda A, Villavicencio H. Is it possible to stop follow-up of patients with primary T1G3 urothelial carcinoma of the bladder managed with intravesical bacille Calmette-Guérin immunotherapy? World J Urol. 2017 Feb;35(2):237-243.

  18. Miłek K, Kaczmarczyk-Sekuła K, Strzępek A, Dyduch G, Białas M, Szpor J, Gołąbek T, Szopiński T, Chłosta P, Okoń K. Mast cells influence neoangiogenesis in prostatic cancer independently of ERG status. Pol J Pathol 2016; 67 (3): 244-249.

  19. Módos O, Reis H, Niedworok C, Rübben H, Szendrői A, Szász AM, Tímar J, Baghy K, Kovalszky I, Golabek T, Chlosta P, Okon K, Peyronnet B, Mathieu R, Shariat SF, Hollósi P, Nyirády P, Szarvas T. Mutations in KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, EGFR, and PIK3CA genes in urachal carcinoma – occurence and prognostic significance. Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 28;7(26):39293-39301.

  20. Golabek T, Belsey J, Drewa T, Kolodziej A, Skoneczna I, Milecki P, Dobruch J, Słojewski M, Chlosta PL.Evidence-based recommendations on androgen deprivation therapy for localized and advanced prostate cancer. Cent European J Urol. 2016;69(2):131-8. 

  21. Golabek T, Przydacz P, Okoń K, Kopczyński J, Bukowczan J, Sobczynski R, Łukasz Curyło Ł, Katarzyna Golabek K, Jerzy Sadowski J, Chlosta PL. Tumour thrombus consistency has no impact on survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Pol J Pathol. 2016 Jun;67(2):145-50.

  22. Sobański JA, Skalski M, Gołąbek T, Świerkosz A, Przydacz M, Klasa K, Rutkowski K, Dembińska E, Mielimąka M, Cyranka K, Chłosta PL, Dudek D. Occurrence of selected lower urinary tract symptoms in patients of a day hospital for neurotic disorders. Psychiatr. Pol. 2016.

  23. Skalski M, Sobański JA, Golabek T, Świerkosz A, Klasa K, Przydacz M, Rutkowski K, Dembińska E, Mielimąka M, Cyranka K, Chłosta PL, Dudek D. Associations between selected lower urinary tract symptoms and the biographical context of patients in day hospital for treatment of neurotic disorders. Psychiatr. Pol. 2016.

  24. Przydacz M, Belch Ł, Gołąbek T, Piotrowicz S, Chłosta PL. Recent advances in the diagnosis, management and treatment of the most common urological disorders. Post N Med 2016; XXIX(3): 177-181.

  25. Stangel-Wojcikiewicz K, Petko M, Kobus K, Majka M, Gołąbek T, Chłosta P, Basta A. Regenerative medicine- techniques and methods of administering autologous derived stem cells in urinary incontinence. Ginekol Pol. 2016, 87, 205-210.

  26. Gołąbek T, Chłosta PL. How to manage testicular capillary haemangioma: Editorial Comment on: W. Białek, S. Rudzki, L. Wroniecki: Capillary hemangioma of the testis. A case report of a rare benign tumor.J Ultrason. 2016;16(64):97-8.

  27. Golabek T, Bukowczan J. Editorial Comment to Association between levels of urinary heavy metals and increased risk of urothelial carcinoma. Int J Urol. 2016 Mar;23(3):240.

  28. Kaczmarczyk-Sekuła K, Gałązka K, Glajcar A, Miłek K, Dyduch G, Szpor J, Gołąbek T, Szopiński T, Chłosta P, Rubinkiewicz M, Tyrak K, Okoń K. Prostate cancer with different ERG status may show different FOXP3-positive cell numbers. Pol J Pathol. 2016;67(4):313-317.

  29. Golabek T, Bukowczan J, Wiatr T, Przydacz M, Belch L, Chlosta P. Intrascrotal adenomatoid tumour: a report of seven cases and review of the literature. Hellenic Urol. 2015; 27 (3): 42-46.

  30. Bukowczan J, Golabek T Protective and Therapeutic Properties of Obestatin in Experimental Models of Acute Pancreatitis. Pancreat Disord Ther 2015; S6:001. 

  31. Sobczyński R, Golabek T, Przydacz M, Wiatr T, Bukowczan J, Sadowski J, Chłosta P.Modified technique of cavoatrial tumor thrombectomy without cardiopulmonary by-pass and hypothermic circulatory arrest: a preliminary report. Cent European J Urol. 2015;68(3):311-7.

  32. Chlosta PL, Golabek T. Reply to: “The minimal access technique for cavoatrial renal cancer thrombectomy – to be used in all cases?” Antoniewicz AA. Cent European J Urol. 2015;68(3):320-1.

  33. Golabek T, Wiatr T, Przydacz M, Bukowczan J, Dudek P, Sobczynski R, Golabek K, Chłosta PL.Optimizing the formation of vesicourethral anastomosis and reduction of procedure time. A two-year experience with a modified technique for endoscopic running vesicourethral anastomosis. Cent European J Urol. 2015;68(3):296-301.

  34. Golabek T, Skalski M, Przydacz M, Świerkosz A, Siwek M, Golabek K, Stangel-Wojcikiewicz K, Dudek D, Chlosta P.Lower urinary tract symptoms, nocturia and overactive bladder in patients with depression and anxiety. Psychiatr. Pol. 2016; 50(2): 417–430.

  35. Kata SG, Aboumarzouk OM, Zreik A, Somani B, Ahmad S, Nabi G, Buist R, Goodman C, Chlosta P, Golabek T, Moseley H Photodynamic diagnostic ureterorenoscopy: A valuable tool in the detection of upper urinary tract tumour. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2016:255-60.

  36. Wiatr T, Golabek T, Dudek P, Belch L, Przydacz M, Bukowczan J, Mains E, Kata G, Sobczynski R, Golabek K, ChlostaP. Single running suture versus single-knot running suture for vesicourethral anastomosis in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: A prospective randomised comparative study. Urol Int. 2015;95(4):445-51.

  37. Ostrowski I, Śledź E, Ciechan J, Golabek T, Bukowczan J, Wiatr T, Przydacz M, Stangel-Wojcikiewicz K, Chlosta P. Current interventional management of male stress urinary incontinence following urological procedures. Cent European J Urol. 2015;68(3):340-7.

  38. Golabek T, Powroźnik J, Chłosta P, Dobruch J, Borówka A.The impact of nutrition in urogenital cancers. Arch Med Sci. 2015;11(2):411-8.

  39. Szopiński T, Nowicki A, Záťura F, Golabek T, Chłosta P.Novel trends in transrectal ultrasound imaging of prostate gland carcinoma.J Ultrason 2014; 14: 306–319;

  40. Golabek T, Bukowczan J, Sobczynski R, Leszczyszyn J, Chlosta P. The role of micronutrients in the risk of urinary tract cancer. Arch Med Sci 2016; 12, 2: 436–447.

  41. Golabek T, Socha K, Kudelski J, Darewicz B, Markiewicz-Zukowska R, Bukowczan J, Chlosta P, Borawska M. Chromium in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016 (w druku).

  42. Golabek T, Jaskulski J, Jarecki P, Dudek P, Szopinski T, Chlosta P. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with bladder neck preservation: positive surgical margin and urinary continence status.Videosurgery Miniinv 2014; 9 (3): 362–370.

  43. Smereczynski A, Szopinski T, Golabek T, Ostasz O, Bojko S.Sonography of tumors and tumor-like lesions that mimic carcinoma of the urinary bladder. J Ultrason 2014; 14: 36–48.

  44. Bukowczan J, Golabek T. Another step closer to better understanding of renal cell carcinoma - The new roles of alkaline phosphatase unravelled.Biochimie. 2014 Sep;104:1.

  45. Nyk Ł, Golabek T, Dobruch J, Skrzypczyk MA, Dzik T, Wysocki M, Chłosta P, Borówka A.Should the decision for active surveillance in prostate cancer patients be based on a single histological assessment? Cent European J Urol. 2014;67(3):242-6.

  46. Sobczyński R, Golabek T, Mazur P, Chlosta P. Transoesophageal echocardiography reduces invasiveness of cavoatrial tumour thrombectomy. Videosurgery Miniinv 2014; 9 (3): 479–483.

  47. Starownik R, Golabek T, Bar K, Muc K, Płaza P, Chlosta P. Percutaneous nephrostomy for symptomatic hypermobile kidney: a single centre experience. Videosurgery Miniinv. 2014 Dec;9(4):501-4.2014.

  48. Szopinski T, Golabek T, Chłosta P, Borówka A. Determination of prostate adenoma weight reduction due to vaporisation process occurring during TURP. Videosurgery Miniinv 2014; 9 (3): 404–408.

  49. Golabek T, Darewicz B, Kudelski J, Socha K, Markiewicz-Zukowska R, Chlosta P, Okon K, Borawska M. Cadmium in Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder. Pol J Pathol 2014; 65 (1): 55-59.

  50. Borkowski T, Golabek T, Chlosta P, Borkowski A. Evaluation and management of male lower urinary tract symptoms: treatment patterns and guidelines in a correlation study among Polish urology consultants. Arch Med Sci. 2015;11(6):1340-51.

  51. Szopinski T, Golabek T, Chlosta P, Borówka A.Is determination of transition zone volume by transrectal ultrasound in patients with clinically benign prostatic enlargement sufficiently reliable in the clinical setting? Videosurgery Miniinv 2014; 9 (3): 398–403.

  52. Wolak P, Golabek T, Obarzanowski M, Chlosta P.A complex case of abdominal pain in patient with pelviureteric junction obstruction. Videosurgery Miniinv 2014; 9 (2): 273–275;

  53. Dobruch J, Piotrowicz S, Skrzypczyk M, Gołąbek T, Chłosta P, Borówka A.Clinical value of extended pelvic lymph node dissection in patients subjected to radical prostatectomy. Videosurgery Miniinv. 2014 Mar;9(1):64-70.

  54. Golabek T, Jarecki P, Jaskulski J, Dudek P, Szopinski T, Chlosta P.Modified technique for laparoscopic running vesicourethral anastomosis. Videosurgery Miniinv 2014; 9 (3): 357-361.

  55. Golabek T, Bukowczan J, Szopinski T, Chlosta P, Lipczynski W, Dobruch J, Borowka A.Obesity and Renal Cancer Incidence and Mortality: a Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016 Mar;23(1):37-43.

  56. Jaskulski J, Golabek T, Kopczyński J, Orłowski P, Bukowczan J, Dudek P, Chłosta P.Does neuroendocrine differentiation have prognostic value in prostate core needle biopsies? Przegl Lek. 2013;70(11):933-5.

  57. Dudek P, Golabek T, Jaskulski J, Orłowski P, Bukowczan J, Szopiński T, Chłosta P.Prospective evaluation of pain associated with indwelling JJ stents following ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy. Przegl Lek. 2013;70(11):936-8

  58. Orłowski P, Golabek T, Jaskulski J, Lipczyński W, Bukowczan J, Chłosta P.Laparoscopic radical cystectomy with extracorporeal ileal neobladder: technique and short-term outcomes. Przegl Lek. 2013;70(11):939-41.

  59. Golabek T, Powroźnik J, Szostek P, Chłosta P, Borówka A. Percutaneous Suprapubic Endoscopy for Treatment of Bladder Tamponade. Videosurgery Miniinv. 2013; 8 (4): 364–365.

  60. Golabek T, Szymanska A, Szopinski T, Bukowczan J, Furmanek M, Powroznik J, Chlosta P. Enterovesical Fistulae: Aetiology, Imaging, and Management. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2013;2013:617967.

  61. Golabek T, Bukowczan J, Chłosta P, Powroźnik J, Dobruch J, Borówka A. Obesity and Prostate Cancer Incidence and Mortality: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies. Urol Int. 2014;92(1):7-14.

  62. Golabek T, Kiely E, O'Reilly B.Detrusor overactivity in diabetic and non-diabetic patients: Is there a difference? Int Braz J Urol. 2012 Sep;38(5):652-60.

  63. Golabek T, Darewicz B, Borawska M, Socha K, Markiewicz R, Kudelski J. Copper, Zinc, and Cu/Zn ratio in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Urol Int. 2012;89(3):342-7.

  64. Golabek T, Kiely E. Patterns of referral and treatment of undescended testis: a 12-year experience in a single centre. Ir J Med Sci. 2010 Dec;179(4):511-4.

  65. Azadzoi KM, Radisavljevic ZM, Golabek T, Yalla SV, Siroky MB. Oxidative modification of mitochondrial integrity and nerve fiber density in the ischemic overactive bladder. J Urol. 2010 Jan;183(1):362-9.

  66. Azadzoi KM, Golabek T, Radisavljevic ZM, Yalla SV, Siroky MB. Oxidative stress and neurodegeneration in penile ischaemia BJU Int. 2010;105(3):404-10.

  67. Golabek T, Darewicz B, Borawska M, Markiewicz R, Socha K, Kudelski J. Lead concentration in the bladder tissue and blood of patients with bladder cancer. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 2009:1-4.

  68. Golabek T, Darewicz B, Kudelski J, Sulik M. Liposarcoma of the Spermatic Cord. The Polish Journal of Urology 2005/58/4.

  69. Darewicz B, Kudelski J, Darewicz J, Golabek T. Efficiency Evaluation of Intracavernosal Excision of the Plaque in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease. The Polish Journal of Urology 2005/58/2.

  70. Gronostaj K, Gołąbek T, Sobczyński R, Chłosta PL. Postępowanie chirurgiczne u chorych z rakiem nerki z czopem nowotworowym wrastającym do układu żylnego. Przegląd Urologiczny. 2016/5 (99): 19-22.

  71. Gołąbek T, Chłosta PL. Podsumowanie opartych na dowodach zaleceń panelu ekspertów dotyczących deprywacji androgenowej w leczeniu miejscowego i zaawansowanego raka gruczołu krokowego. Przegląd Urologiczny. 2016/5 (99):30-33.

  72. Gołąbek T, Lipiński M, Kołodziej A, Słojewski M, Życzkowski M, Chłosta PL. Zalecenia zespołu ekspertów dotyczące leczenia alprostadylem w kremie chorych z zaburzeniami wzwodu. Przegląd Urologiczny. 2016/5 (99):34-39.


  1. Zembrzuski M, Czech AK, Szmer J, Gawlas W, Gibala S, Golabek T, Dudek P, Curylo L, Chlosta PL. Correlation of clinical and pathological stage of primary lesion in penile cancer: A single center experience. Eur Urol Suppl 2015

  2. Gronostaj K, Golabek T, Czech AK, Wiatr T, Chlosta PL. One-stage management of renal tumor with supraphrenic caval vein thrombus and coronary artery disease. Eur Urol Suppl 2015

  3. Modos O, Szarvas T, Reis H, Niedworok C, Rübben H, Szendroi A, Szasz AM, Hollosi P, Baghy K, Kovalszky I, Okon K, Golabek T, Chlosta P, Shariat SF, Peyronnet P, Mathieu R, Nyirady P. Mutation analysis of EGFR signal transduction pathway in urachal carcinoma. Eur Urol Suppl 2015

  4. Golabek T, Przydacz M, Wiatr T, Belch L Dudek P, Curylo L, Szopinski T, Lipczynski W, Kusionowicz J, Habrat W, Chlosta P. A prospective randomised comparative study of single running suture and single-knot running suture for laparoscopic vesicourethral anastomosis. Eur Urol Suppl 2015

  5. Kaczmarczyk K, Białas M, Dyduch G, Gołąbek T, Szopiński T, Chłosta P, Okon K. Mast cells and ERG-positive prostatic cancer. Eur Urol Suppl 2014 Okon K, Kaczmarczyk K, Strzepek SA, Bialas M, Dyduch G, Gołąbek T, Szopinski T, Chlosta P. Selected features of ERG-positive prostatic cancer. Eur Urol Suppl 2014

  6. Czech AK, Szopinski T, Golabek T, Dudek P, Panas-Lisowska J, Dybala M, Zembrzuski M. Wiatr T, Hessel T, Przydacz M. Chlosta PL. Impact of urethral bulking agent removal on safety and technical feasibility of simultaneous artificial urinary sphincter AMS800 implantation. Eur Urol Suppl 2014

  7. Lekka M, Dulinska-Litewka J, Okon K, Golabek T, Gostek J, Gil D, Chlosta P, Laidler P. Studies on new diagnostic and prognostic factors resulting from the identification of correlation between EMT markers and mechanical properties of tissue and cells. Eur Urol Suppl 2014

  8. Czech AK, Szopinski T, Golabek T, Dudek P, Przydacz M, Chlosta PL. Functional outcomes after artificial urinary sphincter implantation: Experience with 100 cases. Eur Urol Suppl 2014

  9. Nyk L, Dobruch J, Dzik T, Wysocki M, Gołąbek T, Chłosta P, Borówka A. Influence of re-evaluation of histopathological material on therapy in patients with prostate cancer. Eur Urol Suppl 2013

  10. Golabek T, Lipczynski W, Czech A, Kusionowicz J, Zembrzuski M, Dudek P, Szopinski T, Chlosta P. Value of MRI-ultrasound fusion for guidance of targeted prostate biopsy Eur Urol Suppl 2013.

  11. Powroźnik J, Gołąbek T, Dobruch J, Szopiński J, Chłosta P, Borówka A. Risk factors for metastases to regional lymph nodes in surgically treated patients with renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study. Eur Urol Suppl 2013

  12. Golabek T, Szopinski T, Dudek P, Borowka A, Chlosta P.Accuracy of determination of the transition zone volume by transrectal ultrasound in patients with clinically benign prostatic enlargement. Eur Urol Suppl 2013;12;e1273

  13. Dudek P, Golabek T, Czech A, Zembrzuski M, Lisowska J, Szopinski T, Habrat W, Szmer J, Curylo L, Galwas W, Lipczynski W, Jakowicka-Wordliczek J, Wrzosek A, Partyka S, Witkowska-Manko R, Chlosta P. A comparison of severity of symptoms following ureteroscopic lithotrypsy in patients with or without ureteral stenting. Preliminary results of the pilot, prospective non-randomised multicentre study. Eur Urol Suppl 2013;12;e1237

  14. Nyk L, Dobruch J, Dzik T, Wysocki M, Golabek T, Chłosta P, Borówka A. Influence of re-evaluation of histopathological material on therapy in patients with prostate cancer. Eur Urol Suppl 2013;12;e1211

  15. Golabek T, Lipczynski W, Czech A, Kusionowicz J, Zembrzuski M, Dudek P, Szopinski T, Chlosta P. Value of MRI-ultrasound fusion for guidance of targeted prostate biopsy.Eur Urol Suppl 2013;12;e1197

  16. Powroźnik J, Golabek T, Dobruch J, Szopiński T, Chłosta P, Borówka A.Risk factors for metastases to regional lymph nodes in surgically treated patients with renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study.Eur Urol Suppl 2013;12;e1124

  17. Golabek T, Kiely E, O’Reilly B. Differences in Detrusor Overactivity Between Diabetic and Non-diabetic Populations. Annual Meeting of the Irish Society of Urology, Galway, Irlandia, październik 2009.

  18. Cristofaro V, Golabek T, Radisavljevic Z, Yalla SV, Sullivan MP. Interaction and Regulation of Caveolin and Angiotensin II in Bladder Smooth Muscle. International Continence Society Meeting, Rotterdam, Holandia, sierpień 2007.

  19. Cristofaro V, Golabek T, Radisavljevic Z, Yalla SV, Sullivan MP. Mediators of Hypertrophy Alter Expression of Connexin. International Continence Society Meeting, Rotterdam, Holandia, sierpień 2007.

  20. Radisavljevic Z, Cristofaro V, T. Golabek T, Yalla SV, Sullivan MP. Caveolin Gene Expression in Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Is Regulated By Angiotensin-II. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology Meeting, San Diego, U.S.A., marzec 2007.

  21. Radisavljevic Z, Golabek T, Cristofaro V, Yalla SV, Sullivan MP. Up-Regulation of Connexin Gene Expression in Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Induced by Mediators of Hypertrophy. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology Meeting, San Diego, U.S.A., marzec 2007.

  22. Cristofaro V, Radisavljevic Z, Golabek T, Peters CA, Yalla SV, Sullivan MP. Bladder Smooth Muscle Caveolae Differentially Regulate Signal Transduction Pathways. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology Meeting,The Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas, luty 2006

  23. Golabek T, Darewicz B, Kudelski J, Borawska M, Sulik M. The Evaluation of Chromium Concentration in Bladder Cancer Tissue. XXXV Kongres Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Urologicznego, Lublin, Polska, czerwiec 2005

  24. Darewicz B, Golabek T, Chlabicz M, Borawska M, Markiewicz M. The Evaluation of Lead Concentration in Bladder Cancer Tissue. 4th Central European Meeting of European Association of Urology, Bucharest, Rumunia, październik 2004.

  25. Darewicz B, Kudelski J, Gałek L, Golabek T. Intracavernosal plaque Excision Method in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease. XXXIV Kongres Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Urologicznego, Kraków, Polska, czerwiec 2004


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